Our DJ's are suitable for:
Disco DJ
Wedding DJ
School Formal/Ball DJ
​Nightclub DJ
Birthday DJ
Drum & Bass DJ
Our Dj's have plenty of experience when it comes to selecting music for your event! Just because our DJ's are listed on our site doesn't mean that you can't supply your own DJ and use our equipment either! Our go to DJ's are in hot demand however they are mainly only ever booked for Saturday nights & rarely Friday's.
Our DJ's are contracted by Party Hire Christchurch and don't work as an employee.
This means that as our DJ's also work for the nightclubs as well which pay the DJ's around 70 - $100ph this makes it really difficult to hire DJ's for private events which may only be for 4 hours at $50ph compared to getting up to $700 in a night for the guaranteed work at a nightclub.
Our honest opinion is try and sort your own if you can as you're more likely to attract one to your event if you know them personally. The reason why we are saying that is we do not take any profit from what the DJ's charge.
Below are some of our go to regular DJ's who also specialise in mainstream which is the most commonly booked type of DJ and why we have them listed. However mainstream DJ's are rarest! Book them directly or book them as a package through one of our event packages under DJ services up in the menu bar.